Nu med nyt hukommelseskort til kameraet. Hep! Måtte slippe 850 kr, så man må sige det er betalt...til gengæld er det på 8GB, kan lave kaffe og lyse i mørke!
Tirsdag brugte vi dagen i Kruger National Park. Kruger er velkendt som turistmål og ret populært på listen over Ting Man SKAL Se I Sydafrika. betalte 200 rand for at komme ind, og kørte rundt på asfalterede veje sammen med dusinvis af turister. Jeg ved godt at vi er meget forkælede ude i Timbavati, hvor dyerene går rundt lige uden for lodgen og ikke er så påvirket af menneskelig akitivitet. Det føles bare forkert at køre rundt på asfalterede veje i forhold til two tracks, og det sammen med førnævnte turister, i alt fra Fiat Punto'er årgang 1980 (why, WHY synes man at det er en god idé at køre på game viewing i sådan en blikspand? En elefant kan jo bruge én som fodbold i sådan en "bil") til kæmpe store firhjulstrækkere. Når nogen så ser noget, går der max 30 sekunder før 20+ biler holder oven i hinanden for at se en impala på 250 meters afstand. Jeg ved ikke....når man kommer fra noget så autentisk som Timbavati, virker det her koncept bare utrolig kommercielt? Ikke at jeg forklejner deres conservation arbejde, for de gør virkelig meget og meget godt. Det var så selve konceptet i Kruger, en anden ting var at vi så utrolig lidt i forhold til hvad vi gør hvilken som helst dag på arbejde i bushen ude i Timbavati. Det fik mig til at reflektere over at langt de fleste oplever afrikansk wildlife på den her måde, og ikke er klar over hvad de går glip af. Jeg har hele tiden vidst at jeg var priviligeret ved at arbejde og se hvad jeg ser i Timbavati, men det her understregede det på det kraftigste. Trods dette fik jeg taget et par gode billeder:
Impala + fugl :-D |
Vandbuk |
Striber! |
Black-backed sjakal krydser vejen! |
Only in Africa.... |
På vej ud af parken kom vi forbi et træ hvor der var et helt frisk impala "kill" i. Hvor var den plettede kat så?!?? Vi sad der i bilen, omgivet af de obligatoriske 20+ andre biler, og spejdede, ventede....og pludselig: Et hurtigt glimt af plettet pels mellem grenene - en leopard! Jeg overvejer lidt om det tæller som en leopard sighting, men hvis det gør, så er jeg oppe på The Big Five nu. Jeg trøster mig med at jeg kommer HELT tæt på disse fantastiske dyr i næste måned, når vi skal have puttet radiohalsbånd på dem vi kan finde i Timbavati.
Tilbage i Timbavati, var Holly og jeg tilbage på arbejde igår. Holly havde lige brokket sig over at vi da ikke havde set noget som helst i løbet af dagen, da vi kom til et stort vandhul og fandt: 2 næsehorn (der desværre nåede at løbe inden jeg fik fumlet kameraet klar), en stor vandbøffel, 2 flodheste og det sejeste af alt: en hyæne der lå og slappede af i vandkanten. Vi kunne komme helt tæt på ham i bilen og jeg fik taget nogle pænt seje billeder:
Mega sej vovse :-) |
Dagens bonusinfo: Vi har allerede fået etableret at få ting kan stresse mig til paniske proportioner. Vi lærte at et defekt hukommelseskort og en lidt for ren iPod var et par af tingene. En tredie ting er edderkopper så store, at hvis man prøver at klaske dem med en sko, et baseballbat eller et vilkårligt haveredskab, vil de tage genstanden og slå igen...det kunne godt gå hen at blive et problem i længden? Overvejer at investere i et haglgevær og en flammekaster...
A day in Kruger
Now with new memory card! Brilliant! I had to pay 850 danish kroners for it, so one must say it is paid for...but hey, it's 8GB, can make coffee and glows in the dark!
Tuesday we spend the entire day in Kruger National Park. Hmm....not sure what to think about that? Compared to Timbavati it just seems so commercial with asphalt roads and loads of turists, driving anything from a Fiat Punto from 1980 (why, WHY would you do that when there are elephants and other huge massive heavy things around?) and huge four wheel drives. Upon a sighting it takes less than 30 seconds vefore twenty something cars a pooled together on the raod to watch an impala 250 meters away. And we didn't even see that many animals, and for sure not as close up as we do in Timbavati. This day trip really emphasized how priviliged (spoiled?) we are living and working in Timbavati; with the animals right outside the lodge and numerous unique sightings on any given work day. Most people will have to do with Kruger. Still I managed to get some excellent shots (see the vast amount of awesome pics above).
On our way out of the park we came across a fresh leopard kill in a tree. We stopped by the side of the road (with the mandatory twenty something other cars)...looking, waiting. And then: A quick glimse of spottet fur between the branches. If that indeed counts a s a leopard sighting, I have now completed The Big Five. Still I cannot wait until we hopefully get to collar some of the amazing cats in a month or so...and see them very close up!
Holly and I got back to work on Wedensday cheking camera traps. We had both just complained that no animals were around today, when we drove up to a big dam and saw: two hippos (didn't manage to get a picture of them as they skinned out), hippos, a buffalo and the coolest thing of all - a hyena chilling out in the water. He was very relxaed and we managed to get very close to him in the car (see more awesome pics above).
Todays bonus info: Few things can stress me out to the verge of panic. We have already established that two of those things are a defect memeory card and washing my iPod. An addition to the list is the size of the spiders down here...the size where they will actually grab the shoe/baseball bat/gardening tool you try to kill it with and hit you back. I am currently thinking about puchasing a shotgun AND a flame-thrower...
A day in Kruger
Now with new memory card! Brilliant! I had to pay 850 danish kroners for it, so one must say it is paid for...but hey, it's 8GB, can make coffee and glows in the dark!
Tuesday we spend the entire day in Kruger National Park. Hmm....not sure what to think about that? Compared to Timbavati it just seems so commercial with asphalt roads and loads of turists, driving anything from a Fiat Punto from 1980 (why, WHY would you do that when there are elephants and other huge massive heavy things around?) and huge four wheel drives. Upon a sighting it takes less than 30 seconds vefore twenty something cars a pooled together on the raod to watch an impala 250 meters away. And we didn't even see that many animals, and for sure not as close up as we do in Timbavati. This day trip really emphasized how priviliged (spoiled?) we are living and working in Timbavati; with the animals right outside the lodge and numerous unique sightings on any given work day. Most people will have to do with Kruger. Still I managed to get some excellent shots (see the vast amount of awesome pics above).
On our way out of the park we came across a fresh leopard kill in a tree. We stopped by the side of the road (with the mandatory twenty something other cars)...looking, waiting. And then: A quick glimse of spottet fur between the branches. If that indeed counts a s a leopard sighting, I have now completed The Big Five. Still I cannot wait until we hopefully get to collar some of the amazing cats in a month or so...and see them very close up!
Holly and I got back to work on Wedensday cheking camera traps. We had both just complained that no animals were around today, when we drove up to a big dam and saw: two hippos (didn't manage to get a picture of them as they skinned out), hippos, a buffalo and the coolest thing of all - a hyena chilling out in the water. He was very relxaed and we managed to get very close to him in the car (see more awesome pics above).
Todays bonus info: Few things can stress me out to the verge of panic. We have already established that two of those things are a defect memeory card and washing my iPod. An addition to the list is the size of the spiders down here...the size where they will actually grab the shoe/baseball bat/gardening tool you try to kill it with and hit you back. I am currently thinking about puchasing a shotgun AND a flame-thrower...
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